The Transformational Power of Genomics

Helping solve humanity’s biggest problems to provide hope for humankind

Genomics is one of the most transformational forces of our time, creating a path toward personalized insights that inspire hope for people around the world.

The genomic revolution is powered by genome sequencing technology that reads DNA and unlocks the mysteries hidden inside every living thing – including us. The information contained within DNA is helping solve some of humankind’s most challenging problems – from diagnosing rare diseases to sustainable farming and food security.

Genomics for Good is focused on educating people about the powerful benefits of genomics. We encourage you to explore the genomic resources within to learn about this technology and how it will redefine the boundaries of what is possible.

Genomics for Good

Watch Genomics Come to Life

The Diagnostic Odyssey

The Diagnostic Odyssey

Every Diagnosis Matters

Families of children with undiagnosed genetic diseases often face an uncertain and unpredictable journey, referred to as a diagnostic odyssey. The average diagnostic odyssey lasts for eight years. During that time, there are two things that unite families - hope and perseverance.

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Feature Articles

The Story of 'Tree Baby'

The Story of 'Tree Baby'

Of all the potential applications for genomic sequencing, helping children with rare and undiagnosed genetic diseases may be one of the most profound. 

Every Diagnosis Matters

Every Diagnosis Matters

Families facing rare diseases often spend years pinpointing the probem in solitude - until now.

DNA Decoded

DNA Decoded

This free online platform provides digital resources and classroom curricula for teachers, enabling educators to support genomic education in K-12 classrooms so that kids can see genomics in their everyday lives.

In the News